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Overture welcomes submissions from AFM Local 47 members. All live performance and recording projects featured in our publication must be associated with an AFM contract. When submitting a story for consideration, please provide the job number provided on the contract to expedite the vetting process.
AFM Local 47 reserves the right to accept or refuse any submission, including advertisements, at its discretion.
All material accepted for Overture is subject to editing in accordance with editorial policy and style and the dictates of space, clarity, sense, interest and union members' welfare. Submissions will be considered based on relevance and interest to the Local 47 membership.
Our standing policy is that any project or engagement featured in our publications must either be on a Local 47 contract, an AFM contract featuring Local 47 musicians, or else have received a prior waiver from the Local 47 Executive Board or the AFM.
Letters to the editor are limited to a maximum of 400 words and are subject to editing. Not all letters submitted will be published. We reserve the right to edit all submissions.
Columns and articles are not to exceed 800 words. All submissions must be attributed only to the writer(s) involved. The editors do not necessarily agree with or support the views expressed in submissions to the Overture. Anonymous or unsigned submissions will not be printed. Photos may be submitted electronically in hard copy (developed photos only; not printouts of digital photos) and must include complete caption information (full name of photographer and of everyone pictured, date and location of image) or they will not be published. Photos will not be returned unless specifically requested by sender.
Final Notes/obituaries are published by submission only. Please keep submissions under 800 words. Photos are welcome and encouraged.
Overture does not solicit nor hire freelance writers or photographers and accepts submissions solely on a volunteer basis. Articles and photos become the property of the Overture and may be republished in any format. The Overture and Local 47 do not expressly share the same views as contributing writers, nor expressly endorse the intent or judgment that may be present in submissions.