ori Boards & Committees | AFM Local 47

Boards & Committees

Executive Board

View the current administration here.

Delegates to the AFM Convention

Pam Gates, Bonnie Janofsky, Gail Kruvand, Stephanie O'Keefe, Marc Sazer, Douglas Tornquist

1st Alternate Delegate: Norman Ludwin

2nd Alternate Delegate: Allen Fogle

Hearing Board

Allen Savedof (Chair), Rachel Berry, Alan Estes, Paula Fehrenbach, Marisa McLeod, Aaron O. Smith, Marcy Vaj

Election Board

David Wheatley (Chair), Cary Belling, Paul Castillo, Nancy Roth, Kris Mettala, Nick Stone, Clifford Tasner

Fair Employment Practices Committee

Beverly Dahlke-Smith, Wendell Kelly

Grievance Committee

Johana Krejci

Hearing Representative

Lynn Grants

Legislative Committee

Bonnie Janofsky (Chair), Chris Glik, Lisa Haley, Lydia Reinebach, Louis Rovner

Orientation Committee

Bonnie Janofsky, Stephanie O'Keefe, Marc Sazer

Relief Committee

Lydia Reinebach, Douglas Tornquist, Ed Vodicka

Salary Review Board

Nick Stone (Chair), Michele Forrest, Sidney Hopson, Preston Shepard, David Wheatley

Wage Scale Committee

Judy Chilnick, P. Blake Cooper, Jeff Driskill, Bonnie Janofsky, Danielle Ondarza

Officers Emeritus

John Acosta, President Emeritus
Hal Espinosa, President Emeritus
Gary Lasley, Secretary/Treasurer Emeritus
Vince Trombetta, President Emeritus
Serena Kay Williams, Secretary/Treasurer Emeritus