The basic principle of organizing is to come together collectively to build real power. Many united voices are more powerful than one. Organizing is the lifeblood of a union, as well as any movement for social and economic justice.
When we organize to ensure that musicians work under collective bargaining agreements as well as other kinds of contracts and compacts and to build solidarity in our union, we are stronger and more united. When we join with others to organize for the rights of artists and workers, and in support of unions and activists in our communities as part of a broader mission, we are even more powerful.
The Organizing Department works with musicians on a local, national and international level to organize for musicians’ rights in our communities. We support organizing efforts in all segments of the music business, including the growing freelance scene, and especially in genres where the AFM has traditionally been less active such as jazz, Latin music, rap and hip-hop.
For more information call 323.507.1808 or email
"Keep California Rolling" is the official campaign coordinated by the Entertainment Union Coalition, to protect, preserve and create jobs in the film and television industry throughout California.
The American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada, represented by AFM Local 47 President Stephanie O'Keefe, is honored to have a seat on the board of this important coalition along with the California IATSE Council, Directors Guild of America, LiUNA! Local 724, SAG-AFTRA, Teamsters Local 399, and Writers Guild of America West.
Visit to learn more and get involved.
Visit the national AFM campaign website:
Strike sanctions have been filed against three employers to ensure no unions will cross a Local 47 picket line formed at any non-union sessions. Read more
Your voluntary contribution to the Local 47 Political Action Fund (PAC) will support candidates and legislation that furthers the goals of professional musicians in Los Angeles.