
We offer advertising in Overture Online, our monthly emagazine, and in The Local 47 Beat, our biweekly email newsletter.

* DISCLAIMER: All advertisements are subject to acceptance by the publisher. The publisher will not accept advertisements that are illegal, defamatory, or an infringement on a third party's rights. The publisher has the right to refuse or edit any ad copy deemed inappropriate or offensive. Any ad promoting a musical recording or concert/musical event, or any advertisement soliciting musicians to perform in any capacity, must be associated with the appropriate AFM contract and shall be verified prior to ad placement.

Overture Online Emagazine

Frequency: Published the first Monday of each month
Circulation: approx. 4,300

Our award-winning emagazine, Overture Online, is published the 1st of each month. Browse the pdf archives.

Overture Ad Deadlines

20th of each month preceding issue date


All digital ads run at "full-screen" size and measure 1800px W x 2400px H (minimum 72 dpi).


Our digital ads cost $200 per issue.

Classified ads (i.e. text-only "for sale," "wanted" etc. ads) are not accepted for Overture Online. To place a classified ad, please see informaton about our Local 47 Beat Email newsletter below.

The Local 47 Beat Email Newsletter

Frequency: Every 1st and 3rd Friday
Circulation: approx. 4,000

The Local 47 Beat

Our award-winning email newsletter, The Local 47 Beat, is delivered to our members' inboxes twice monthly to announce the latest news in music, entertainment, and the labor movement. View recent issues of The Local 47 Beat here.

47 Beat Advertising

We accept digital ads (images) and classifieds. Ads due Thursday 10am prior to email blast date (every 1st and 3rd Friday of the month).


$100 Big Square (500px)

$75 Banner Ad (550 x 100px)

$50 Small Square (160px)

$25 Classified (text only; no images). 25 words max.


View 47 Beat specs & reserve your ad here


To pay by credit card, please email to request a digital invoice.


Send check/money order to: AFM Local 47, Attn: Advertising, 3220 Winona Ave. Burbank CA 91504