Overture Emagazine

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December 2024: Celebrating All That's Merry and Bright
November 2024: Gratitude in Harmony
October 2024: Voting Matters!
September 2024: We Are Labor
August 2024: All Things Percussion
July 2024: Freedom
June 2024: Labor Celebrates PRIDE
May 2024: Musicians ARE Workers
April 2024: 2nd Annual AFM Local 47 Jazz Festival
March 2024: Solidarity Wins!
February 2024: African Americans and the Arts
January 2024: Musicians Demand a Fair Share in the New Year

December 2023: The Magic of Music
November 2023: Community – Building Connections Through Collective Action
October 2023: Hollywood's Enduring Legacy
September 2023: Happy Labor Day
August 2023: Hot Labor Summer
July 2023: Notice of Data Breach
June 2023: Musicians Support WGA
May 2023: International Workers' Day
April 2023: First Annual AFM Local 47 Jazz Festival
March 2023: Music in Our Schools Month
February 2023: Black History Month
January 2023: Looking to the Road Ahead

December 2022: AFM Local 47 General Election
November 2022: Get Out the Vote!
October 2022: National Disability Employment Awareness Month
September 2022: Entertainment Community Fund
August 2022: Fair Share For Musicians
July 2022: Black Orchestral Network
June 2022: Happy Pride!
May 2022: MAY DAY - A New Season
April 2022: 125 Years of Service and Progress
March 2022: Celebrating Empowerment and Opportunity - Women's History Month
February 2022: Black History Month - Reflections
January 2022: Happy New Year!

December 2021: A Season of Miracles
November 2021: Giving Thanks to the Labor Movement
October 2021: National Hispanic Heritage Month
September 2021: Happy Labor Day
August 2021: American Music Fairness Act
July 2021: Celebrating Freedom
June 2021: #WhyUnion?
May 2021:Artists are Second Responders
April 2021: Pension Relief, At Last
March 2021: Persevering Through the Pandemic
February 2021: Celebrating Black History Month
January 2021: AFM Local 47 Election Returns

December 2020: Keeping the Music Alive During COVID
November 2020: Your Vote, Your Voice
October 2020: Recording Academy's Harvey Mason jr Talks Advocacy, Diversity & Equity
September 2020: Fair Trade of Music
August 2020: Embracing the New Virtual Era
July 2020: Finding a New Rhythm
June 2020: Safer at Work
May 2020: Alone Together
April 2020: COVID-19 - Emergency Resources for Musicians
March 2020: Women Who Rock
February 2020: Black History Month in Los Angeles
January 2020: Musicians At Play

December 2019: 'Tis the Season... for Mentoring!
November 2019: Giving Thanks and Giving Back
October 2019: #BandTogether - Film/TV Campaign
September 2019: Labor Day History
August 2019: Summer Concerts in the Southland
July 2019: Streaming Tech + the Music Industry
June 2019: Celebrating Pride Month
May 2019: Memorial Day & All That Jazz
April 2019: SJO - Music in the Schools
March 2019: All Music, All People
February 2019: Black History Month
January 2019: Back in the Game

December 2018: Happy Holidays!
November 2018: Vote Union Strong
October 2018: Platinum Status - What it Takes to be a Hit Factory
September 2018: Congratulations 70th Emmy Nominees!
August 2018: We Did It! New Laws to CA Film & TV Music Industry
July 2018: Curtain Call - The Musicians of Musical Theatre
June 2018: A Truly Grand Opening for AFM 47
May 2018: Why it Pays to be Union
April 2018: Lucia Micarelli - Balancing life on the concert stage & the scoring stage
March 2018: Nevertheless She Persisted - National Women's History Project
February 2018: Jazz in Schools Turns 30
January 2018: Musicians Tell TV Networks: #RespectTheBand

December 2017: Happy Holidays from AFM Local 47
November 2017: LA Orchestra Fellowship
October 2017: Celebrating Lalo
September 2017: Lalo Schifrin 85th Birthday Concert
August 2017: Keeping the Score in California
July 2017: YOLA Turns 10
June 2017: May Day March Los Angeles
May 2017: AFM Local 47 Lifetime Achievement Awards
April 2017: 120 Years - Over a Century of Music and Service
March 2017: Women's History Month
February 2017: Black History Month
January 2017: Come Together (Right Now)

December 2016: Best Holiday Wishes from AFM Local 47
November 2016: Vote Union Strong
October 2016: Bowled Over - Celebrating 25 Years With the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra
September 2016: 'Lost' Returns to Los Angeles
August 2016: Our Story, Our Legacy - BlackMusic, BlackWork exhibit celebrates legacy of Local 767
July 2016: Leveling the Score - Alliance for Women Film Composers
June 2016: LA Loves Prince
May 2016: Celebrating International Workers' Day 2016
April 2016: John Clayton - Playing it Cool
March 2016: Women's History Month
February 2016: Remembering Our Union's Path to Integration
January 2016: Star Wars - The Orchestra Awakens

December 2015: Happy Holidays! + Time is Now campaign
November 2015: Happy Thanksgiving! + Broad Museum Opening Gala
October 2015: Happy Halloween! + Special Meeting Oct. 5
September 2015: Labor Day
August 2015: Organize! Together We Win
July 2015: Michael Giacchino - summer's hottest composer
June 2015: AB 1199 - Success in Sacramento!
May 2015: Solidarity Forever!
April 2015: LA Philharmonic - How a little Los Angeles orchestra became a national icon
March 2015: The Wrecking Crew
February 2015: Welcome to the New Overture Online!