Registration closes Tuesday, June 3

About the Instructor:

Dr. Norman Ludwin is a pioneer in the field of orchestration and in the study of film composition. He has worked as an orchestrator in Hollywood and as an in-demand session bassist. He has taught in the UCLA Extension Film Scoring Department, the Film Scoring Academy of Europe, ThinkSpace Education, as well as holds a Doctorate in Composition.

His orchestration credits include: “Jurassic World,” “Inside Out,” “Star Trek: Into Darkness,” “Super-8,” “John Carter,” and “Priest.”

Dr. Ludwin has delivered presentations to AFM Locals 6, 9-535, 10-208, 47, 76-493, 149, 161-710, 325, 571, and 802. He has lectured to enthusiastic audiences in Los Angeles, New York City, Washington D.C., Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, Bloomington, Seattle, Toronto, Montreal, Halifax, Munich, Zurich, Rome, Bologna, Sofia, Rio de Janeiro, Säo Paulo, Beijing, Shanghai, Nanking, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, and Ho Chi Minh City.

What Students are Saying:

"I just finished Norman's class, and it was excellent! I hope you continue to host these types of classes. My daughter trained with master artists through the Animation Guild when she was 18 years old. The cost was very low for these in-person classes and the material she learned was taught by the experts in the industry, who were training the working professional artists as well as teaching at various schools like CalArts. It's very important to pass the skills down to the next generation of artists in this manner. My daughter is an in-demand professional indie artist now with strong fundamentals as a result. I see Norman Ludwin fulfilling the same important role. He has so much knowledge and experience, and I hope Local 47 continues to elevate the skill set of its members by having as many training courses as possible. Thanks!" - John Mosser

“I just wanted to tell you what a great experience it was to attend Norman Ludwin's orchestration courses. I have attended his most recent classes in both Beginning Orchestration and Advanced Orchestration. Norman covers a lot of material in quite a bit of depth. He also is able to explain the material very well and his conversational manner is congenial as well as entertaining… These courses are a great benefit to Local 47 members; I know that I got a lot out of these courses.” - Mike Saul 

“I took the online orchestration seminar with Norman Ludwin, and just wanted to thank you and the entire Local 47 staff for organizing and presenting the class. It was an enjoyable time, with a lot of good discussion and ideas, and was well organized and presented by Norman. Thank you!” - Chris Rinaman

 “Thanks Norman for a great eye-opening class. I now know what areas I need to further explore and develop. The class gave an overwhelming amount of information organized in a kind of a road map.” - Itzhak Yaron 

“Dr. Ludwin is a terrific teacher... very organized, personable, and knowledgeable. His stories about working in the business were very interesting and insightful. This class has inspired me, it has expanded my horizons of understanding orchestration, AND!: I got to listen to and analyze a lot of fantastic music with a wonderful teacher. Wow! Thank you, thank you Local 47 for giving this gift of Orchestration classes with Dr. Ludwin.” - Jeffrey Silverman. 

“My name is Stephen Davies. I'm a local 47 member and just recently attended Dr. Norman Ludwin's Beginning & Advanced Orchestration Course. They were both fantastic courses! Dr. Ludwin is a really great teacher and both were very informative courses.” - Stephen Davies 

“Thank you and everyone at Local 47 for offering such a wonderful class! We all learned tremendously - and had fun too - with you Norman, much appreciated. I hope I'll be able to attend your future classes as well.” - Roberto Montero 

“Just wanted to express my appreciation for the just completed online orchestration classes presented by Norman Ludwin to Local 47 members. Fantastic offering, Very much appreciated.” - John David