"This music is about freedom, about movement, about creativity, about joy, about pain, and about ultimately setting one's spirit free. Jazz musicians are an essential part of our culture, and we in Los Angeles are incredibly blessed to include in our community many world-class practitioners of this great art form."

- AFM Local 47 President Stephanie O'Keefe

3rd Annual AFM Local 47 Jazz Festival

Saturday, April 26

12 pm - The Hard Bop Ensemble
1 pm - Gina Kronstadt & the Winona Wyz Guyz
2 pm - Encore Saxophone Quartet
3 pm - The Witham Section
4 pm - Geoff Stradling & the StradBand
5 pm - LA6
6 pm - Darrell Leonard’s Line Up

Sunday, April 27

12 pm - Tony Jones Vocal Project
1 pm - Bonnie Janofsky Quintet
2 pm - The Eric Ekstrand Ensemble
3 pm - Six Beats Apart
4 pm - Steve Huffsteter Big Band
5 pm - Jennifer Leitham Trio

These free public performances are generously sponsored by the Music Performance Trust Fund and AFM Local 47.