Our next General Election will be held Tuesday, December 9, 2025.
Elections will be held for the offices of:
President (1)
Vice President (1)
Secretary/Treasurer (1)
Trustee (3)
Director (6)
Hearing Board (7)
AFM Convention Delegates (3)
First Alternate Delegate (1)
Second Alternate Delegate (1)
To be nominated for any office a member must have been in continuous good standing for a period of 365 calendar days immediately preceding October 1 in any election year. To hold any office, a member must have been in continuous good standing for the period of 365 days immediately preceding the scheduled date of installation of office.
No member shall hold nor accept nomination for more than one office, although they may additionally accept nomination for and hold the position of Delegate or Alternate Delegate. However, members nominated for the offices of President, Vice President, or Secretary/Treasurer shall not be eligible to accept separate nomination for Delegate or Alternate Delegate. Further, candidates for President, Vice President, or Secretary/Treasurer, because those officers are automatically Delegates, shall not appear separately on the ballot as Delegate (see Bylaw Article IX, Section 2).