Resigning Membership

In order to resign in good standing from Local 47, mail or email your written request to the Secretary/Treasurer's Office at Local 47 before your membership is suspended.

In addition to membership dues, all other financial obligations, Local and International, must be paid prior to resignation. Your letter of resignation will be presented at the following Executive Board meeting and a written response will be mailed to you.

Please submit your resignation before Membership Dues become delinquent. If you resign after your membership has lapsed, you will be required to pay another half year's dues / clearance fee.

Send to: AFM Local 47 Secretary/Treasurer
3220 Winona Ave. Burbank CA 91504
or email (please also CC:

If your membership has already lapsed into Suspension or Expulsion, please contact our Membership Department for more information on how to resign in good standing: 323.993.3116,

Learn more about the benefits of union membership.