Tag Archives: Mitch Glickman

#WhyUnion? Mitch Glickman

“Without the tremendous support of the Musicians Union, Local 47, the 68-member Symphonic Jazz Orchestra would not exist. The challenge of combining a symphony and a jazz band to perform newly commissioned music blending jazz, classical and other genres was met with the creation of a specially tailored CBA (Collective Bargaining Agreement). The Union’s flexibility to work with our unique ensemble allows us to perform and record this special hybrid music with the finest musicians on the planet.”

– Mitch Glickman, Conductor/Composer
Member since 1984

April 2019 Overture Online: SJO – Music in the Schools

Overture Online
April 2019

SJO: Music in the Schools
Orchestra brings music 
education to inner-city youth 

Musicians Take on Streaming at Motion Picture/TV Film Negotiations 
Fight continues as contract is extended

Member Spotlight: Maki Mae Hsieh
Local 47 musician named 2019 Woman of the Year

Learn Orchestration This Summer – Free!
Sign up for an exclusive AFM member benefit

and more!

Download the FREE App:

Overture Online is optimized for reading via smartphone or tablet. For those without access to a smart device, issues may be viewed on a web browser here. Local 47 members may download archived pdf versions from the members section at afm47.org.