Tag Archives: wage scales

2025 Local 47 Live Performance/Music Prep Wage Scale updates

The AFM Local 47 Live Performance/Music Prep for Live Performance Wage Scales have been updated for 2025. 

A digital copy of the book is posted in the members-only section of our website at ensemble.afm47.org. (If you have not yet logged in to our new system, please review the instructions here.)

Print booklets are also available by request (1 per member). Please email live@afm47.org.

Live Performance & Music Prep Wage Scales extended to 2021

The AFM Local 47 Executive Board at its Nov. 24, 2020 meeting, voted in favor of accepting the recommendation of the Wage Scale Committee to freeze the wages, terms, and conditions set forth in the 2020 Live Performance & Music Prep Wage Scale Book through 2021.

Members may find the Wage Scales in the members-section at afm47.org (login required) or by requesting a book from the Live Performance Department: 323.993.3156, live@afm47.org.

2018 Wage Scale Update

The Executive Board has approved the Wage Scale Committee’s recommendations for updates to Live Engagements and Music Prep for Live Engagements, which take effect January 1, 2018.

The printed books will be published mid-January and available by request from the Live Performance Department. A digital copy of the 2018 Wage Scale book is available in the Member Section at afm47.org (login required) from the “Members-Only Scales & Documents” tab.

The AFM has made available Music Prep scales for copyists preparing parts for musical theater, which are also available in the members section of our website.

AFM Releases New National Music Theater Prep Rates

Following a proposal from Locals 47 and 802, the AFM International Executive Board, pursuant to its authority under Article 3, Sections 9(b)-(e) of the AFM Bylaws, has approved a National Live Musical Theater music preparation minimum scale, applicable in the U.S. and Canada, to become effective on April 1, 2017.

This National Musical Theater Music Preparation scale is for live musical theater productions only, applicable in all locals of the US and Canada. It shall not apply to any other category of music prep services (e.g., symphonic, electronic media, miscellaneous, etc.).

Establishment of this scale stabilizes rates in an increasingly portable work environment and removes the incentive for producers or their agents located, or mounting a production, in a Local’s jurisdiction to engage music prep services in a different Local solely on the basis that a different Local may have lower music prep rates.

A copy of this wage scale may be accessed in the members section at afm47.org (login required).