Tag Archives: bylaws

AFM Local 47 Bylaws update

At our General Membership Meeting on October 28, 2024, a Resolution to amend the Bylaws was presented concerning the scheduling of quarterly General Membership Meetings (Article VIII, Section 1).

Due to the lack of quorum, a Special Executive Board meeting was held so that the Board could act upon the Resolution, which was recommended for a YES vote by the Legislative Committee. Several members asked questions and offered various opinions, suggestions and recommendations. Of the seven Board members present, all unanimously voted in favor to pass the Resolution.

Local 47 members may read the Resolution by logging in to your online account at ensemble.afm47.org, selecting DOCUMENTS, and clicking the link under the “Resolution to Amend the Bylaws” ribbon. (If you have not yet logged in to our new system, please view the instructions here.) The revised set of Bylaws may also be accessed under the “Other Members-Only Documents” ribbon.

A message from the Executive Board on Bylaws

Recently, there have been discussions regarding our internal procedures relevant to processing claims against members. With this communication, we hope to clarify any confusion and to provide answers.

The American Federation of Musicians Local 47 is charged with many duties including, but not limited to, advocating for musicians through collective bargaining and contract enforcement, organizing, defending and protecting the rights of its membership. Specific to the issue at hand, the Local is duty-bound to enforce and to comply with the Bylaws. Continue reading