Author Archives: admin

URGENT action needed to Protect Our Pension!

Concerned about your AFM pension?

Earlier this year Congress established a bipartisan Joint Select Committee on the Solvency of Multiemployer Pension Plans. The original deadline to address the dire solvency issues facing over 100 pension funds across the U.S., including the AFM-EPF, was Nov. 30, 2018. However, the Chairs of the Joint Select Committee announced that they had made progress, and would continue working beyond that deadline

This Joint Select Committee represents the best chance yet to pass legislation that helps our Fund and protects your benefits and retirement security. However, proposed changes to the Butch Lewis Act would prevent the AFM-EPF and many other multiemployer pension funds from accessing the bill’s loan program.

Take Action Now!

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Thank you, DW Drums Founder Don Lombardi!

In recognition of DW Drums founder Don Lombardi’s generous instrument donation to our rehearsal rooms, we were honored to welcome Don at a special ceremony on October 2, 2018.

Local 47 officers, members and staff were present to unveil the commemorative plaque currently on display outside of Room 3, now named in his honor.

Emergency disaster relief

Musicians affected by the California wildfires may apply for disaster relief through the Local 47 Relief Fund and the Music Fund of Los Angeles. Follow the links to download the applications and call 323.993.3159 to speak with Rimona Seay, who will walk you through the application process.

The Actors Fund offers assistance nationally to everyone who works in performing arts and entertainment, including actors, musicians, and many more. Visit to apply and for referrals to area resources.

Donate to the Labor Community Services Disaster Relief Fund

The Los Angeles County Federation of Labor is accepting donations through its 501(c)3 nonprofit, Labor Community Services, to assist union members affected by the fires.

To send a donation please make checks payable to “Labor Community Services” with Memo: Disaster Relief Fund and mail to:

Labor Community Services
2130 W. James M. Wood Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90006


Is your AFM pension important to you? If you answered “yes,” please read on:

Earlier this year Congress established a bipartisan Joint Select Committee on the Solvency of Multiemployer Pension Plans. This Committee is tasked with producing legislation by Nov. 30, 2018 to address the dire solvency issues facing over 100 multiemployer pension funds across the U.S., including the AFM-EPF.

This Joint Select Committee represents the best chance yet to pass legislation that helps our Fund and protects your benefits and retirement security. However, proposed changes to the Butch Lewis Act would prevent the AFM-EPF and many other multiemployer pension funds from accessing the bill’s loan program.

The good news: There is still time to make our voices heard.

In their meetings with AFM-EPF Trustees, members of the Joint Select Committee universally stated that no legislative approach has been finalized, and there is still time for more ideas about fully and fairly addressing the crisis—and for more negotiation to attempt to reach a consensus.

However, it is still far from certain whether any proposed solution will garner sufficient bipartisan support in the Committee, let alone both houses of Congress.

There are just 21 days until the Joint Select Committee’s Nov. 30 deadline. Make your voice heard at this critical juncture: Continue reading

The Labor Wave: How Unions Carried the Midterms

The labor movement helped elect a wave of union members and pro-worker allies across the country this week.

We proved that if you support working people, we’ll have your back. And we sent a resounding message to every candidate and elected official that if you seek to divide and destroy us, we’ll fight back with everything we have. Continue reading