Tag Archives: solidarity

AFM musicians agree: #performancematters

Musicians stand with SAG-AFTRA video game workers striking for a fair contract


Members of AFM Local 47 joined with hundreds of SAG-AFTRA members, labor and community supporters on today’s picket line outside of Warner Bros. Studios regarding interactive video game employment.

SAG-AFTRA members continue on their second week on strike against several video game employers. Following the first demonstration last week, AFM musicians again joined hundreds on the picket line in support of voiceover and motion-capture workers seeking a fair contract.  Continue reading

AFM musicians support SAG-AFTRA videogame strikers


“Hey hey, shut it down, L.A. is a union town!” supporters chanted at today’s SAG-AFTRA rally against video-game makers. American Federation of Musicians members pictured here with SAG-AFTRA President Gabrielle Carteris.

AFM members joined more than 300 on a picket line in Playa Vista today in support of SAG-AFTRA interactive video game voice actors who have been on strike since Oct. 21. Continue reading

Grocery Workers #MakeEndsMeet march & rally 8/2/016

UPDATE 8/4/2016: Today, UFCW reports that the union reached a tentative agreement on a new contract, pending ratification by their membership. Congratulations to members of UFCW and their leadership on this new agreement, and thank you to our members who turned out in support of our sisters and brothers! Standing together, we win. Sign up for Local 47 Action Alerts @ bit.ly/L47actionalerts

On Aug 2, 2016, hundreds of union members marched & rallied in support of Vons, Albertsons & Ralphs workers fighting to . Continue reading

Workers Memorial Day

2016+WMDposterFinalOn April 28, the unions of the AFL-CIO observe Workers Memorial Day to remember those who have suffered and died on the job and to renew the fight for safe jobs. This year we will come together to call for work in this country that is safe and healthy and pays fair wages.

We will celebrate the victories won by working people and commit to fighting until all workers have safe jobs and the freedom to form unions without the threat of retaliation. Continue reading