Tag Archives: remote recording

Announcement: Remote Recording

Please note that all musicians working under the Sound Recording Labor Agreement, the Basic Theatrical Motion Picture Agreement, and the Basic Television Motion Picture Agreement are to receive double the Recording Musician’s rate for ALL sessions for which they record remotely.

Despite a previous temporary application and interpretation of the relevant contract language, such temporary application and interpretation is no longer in effect.

If you are called for a session in which you are asked to perform alone and are told you will be receiving single scale, please contact my office immediately.

Thank you,

Stephanie O’Keefe
President, AFM Local 47

Alert Re: Multi-Tracking and Remote Recording Rates

In the remote recording world that has arisen as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, it has come to our attention that many musicians may be receiving improper payment.

Musicians must receive separate session payments when asked to record and deliver separate, multiple parts, as provided in the Electronic Musical Devices provision of the Basic Theatrical, Television Motion Picture, and Sound Recording Labor Agreements.

If you have recently supplied multiple parts and believe you may have been underpaid, please contact the union. We will work to ensure that you are properly compensated for your work during these difficult times when it is needed most, and that the employer provide any additional session and fringe benefit payments, as well as pay any applicable late payments.

Remote Recording Leader Pay

In consideration of the governmental orders permitting the resumption of in-person recordings, the American Federation of Musicians announced that effective June 22, 2020, its temporary waiving of leader scale for remote recording under the Sound Recording Labor Agreement, the Basic Theatrical Motion Picture Agreement and Basic Television Motion Picture Agreement is hereby lifted and all contract terms shall resume as usual.

If you are called for a remote recording session, you should expect to be paid leader pay, which means that you will be paid double scale for your work. Continue reading