Tag Archives: referendum

Election Board declares referendum passes

A Message from AFM Local 47
Dear Members,

The Election Board declares that the majority of members voted “Yes” in favor of the question:

“Shall the officers of the Musicians’ Club of Los Angeles (the “Club”) be authorized to sell the Club’s real property – located at 817 Vine Street, Hollywood CA 90038 – for not less than Twenty Two Million Dollars ($22,000,000.00) to the successful highest bidder?”

Yes: 2,581

No: 669

The “Yes” votes received exceeds the 50%-plus-1 requirement for the sale to be approved. The Titled Officers, Executive Board and Building Committee will keep the membership informed and report on next steps for the process of selling the Vine Street property and moving headquarters.

Thank you to all who participated and voted in this referendum.

– Local 47 Election Board

AFM Local 47 / Musicians’ Club of Los Angeles
817 Vine Street
Hollywood, CA 90038

SAVE THE DATE! Special Meeting October 5


Informational meeting to discuss Upcoming Mail Referendum

By now members will have received the “Time Is Now” Special Edition Overture announcing the upcoming mail-in referendum. (Missed it? Find it in the Members Section by logging in to your account at afm47.org or visit TimeIsNow47.org.)

Please plan to attend the Special Meeting on Monday, Oct. 5, at 7:30 p.m. in the Serena Kay & Earl Williams Auditorium. This important informational meeting will offer an opportunity to learn more about the referendum and to have any questions answered. Continue reading