Tag Archives: Overture

April 2018 Overture Online: Lucia Micarelli

Overture Online
April 2018

Lucia Micarelli

Balancing life on the concert stage and the scoring stage

LA Phil: 100 Years in the Making
Sneak a peak at what’s in store for the historic centennial celebration

Resisting Janus
Working people must stand together

Learn Orchestration the Practical Way
Free classes for members start this summer

and more!



PLEASE NOTE: If you had previously installed the “Overture Online” app on an Apple device, please update the app to version 3.0.0. Android users need to install our new app, “Overture Online Mag,” available free from Google Play here.

Overture Online is optimized for reading on smartphone or tablet. For those without access to a smart device, this issue may be viewed on a web browser. Local 47 members may download archived pdf versions from the members section at afm47.org.

February 2018 Overture Online: Jazz in Schools Turns 30

Overture Online

Jazz in Schools Turns 30
Black History Month program enters third decade of enriching lives through music

#listenLA: Awards Season 2018
Los Angeles musicians win big in the 60th annual Grammy Awards; Oscar noms are in!

Black History Month
Exploring the vital role of music in black history

California Jazz Foundation to Honor Local Jazz Heroes
Save the date to celebrate two of our own: Dr. Bobby Rodriguez and the late Buddy Collette

and more!


Overture Online is optimized for reading via smartphone or tablet. For those without access to a smart device, this issue may be viewed on a web browser. Local 47 members may download archived pdf versions from the members section at afm47.org.

August 2017 Overture Online: Keeping the Score in CA

Download our Overture Online App FREE @ Apple App Store & Google Play!


Overture Online
August 2017

Keeping the Score in CA 
An AB 1300 concert & media event feat. Rickey Minor & special guests

We’ve Moved!
Review these important updates & reminders regarding the Burbank relocation of Local 47 & AFM West Coast Office

Celebrating Lalo Schifrin: An 85th Birthday Concert
Musicians at Play, Music Fund of LA & Varèse Sarabande announce an October concert for the film music legend

We Can’t Afford to Work for Less
LAANE’s executive director spells out why “Right to Work”
is wrong

Congratulations 69th Annual Emmy nominees

and more!
Overture Online is optimized for reading via smartphone or tablet. For those without access to a smart device, this issue may be viewed on a web browser. Local 47 members may download archived pdf versions from the members section at afm47.org.

July 2017 Overture Online – YOLA Turns 10

Overture Online
July 2017

YOLA Turns 10
Youth Orchestra Los Angeles celebrates a decade of enriching young lives through music

We’re Moving!
This month AFM Local 47 makes the transition to Burbank

Music Tax Credits – Keeping You in the Loop
Update from Recording Musicians Association Los Angeles

Wild Ride With ‘Mozart in the Jungle’
How a classical musician’s memoir turned into a hit television series

and more!

The Overture Online app is available FREE @ Apple App Store & Google Play:

Overture Online is optimized for reading via smartphone or tablet. For those without access to a smart device, this issue may be viewed on a web browser. Local 47 members may download archived pdf versions from the members section at afm47.org.

March 2017 Overture Online: Women’s History Month

Overture Online
March 2017

Women’s History Month:

Honoring Trailblazing Women in Labor and Business

Musician Activists Welcome Congresswoman Judy Chu at Political Town Hall
Members talk healthcare, arts and education, labor rights, and next steps

Member Spotlight: Marcy A. Sudock
Musique Sur La Mer music director blends artistry with advocacy

2017 Academy Awards
View our exclusive behind-the-scenes photo gallery with the orchestra

BlackMusic, BlackWork Launches in Leimert Park
New historical exhibition explores the legacy of the Black Los Angeles musicians union Local 767

and more!

The Overture Online app is available FREE @ Apple App Store & Google Play:

Overture Online is optimized for reading via smartphone or tablet. For those without access to a smart device, this issue may be viewed on a web browser (must have flash enabled). Local 47 members may download archived pdf versions from the members section at afm47.org. Continue reading

September 2016 Overture Online: ‘LOST’ Returns to Los Angeles

Overture Online
September 2016

‘LOST’ Returns to Los Angeles

Michael Giacchino to lead 44-piece Hollywood Studio Symphony Orchestra two nights at the Ford

Saturday Night Bath
Bringing good, clean fun to at-risk youth

Announcing the Irving R. Bush Memorial Scholarship
Open to all high school & college trumpet students – due Sept. 30

37th Annual Labor Solidarity Parade
Join the party on September 5th

and more!
The Overture Online app is available FREE @ Apple App Store & Google Play:

Overture Online is optimized for reading via smartphone or tablet. For those without access to a smart device, this issue may be viewed on a web browser (must have flash enabled). Local 47 members may download archived pdf versions from the members section at afm47.org. Continue reading

August 2016 Overture Online – Our Story, Our Legacy

Overture Online
August 2016

Our Story
Our Legacy

BlackMusic, BlackWork exhibit to celebrate the rich legacy of Los Angeles Local 767

Musicians Are Organizing!
Find out how you can get involved

AFM 100th Convention Highlights
Delegates gather in Las Vegas

After the Music: Financial Planning for Artists
Living the American Dream

CD Spotlight: ‘Passing Through’
Gernot Wolfgang’s new chamber music album finds critical acclaim

and more!

Available FREE @ Apple App Store & Google Play:

Overture Online is optimized for reading via smartphone or tablet. For those without access to a smart device, this issue may be viewed on a web browser (must have flash enabled). Local 47 members may download archived pdf versions from the members section at afm47.org.

Overture Ad Fall 2016Advertise in Overture Magazine

Local 47 members will be receiving the next printed issue of Overture Magazine in October. For advertising opportunities, visit afm47.org/advertise.

July 2016 Overture Online: Alliance for Women Film Composers

Overture Online
July 2016

Cover Story:

Leveling the Score

Alliance for Women Film Composers celebrates and advocates for female artists

We’re Stronger Together
Why it pays to work union

AFL-CIO Mourns Lives Lost in Orlando Massacre
Labor pulls together in unity for the LGBTQ community

Ill or Injured? Know Your Rights
Learn the basics about your legal protections under the ADA and FMLA


and more!

The Overture Online app is available FREE @ Apple App Store & Google Play:

Overture Online is optimized for reading via smartphone or tablet. For those without access to a smart device, this issue may be viewed here on a web browser (must have flash enabled). Local 47 members may download archived pdf versions from the members section at afm47.org.

Summer 2016 Overture Magazine

Local 47 members will soon be receiving the print Summer magazine in the mail. These print issues contain additional news not found in the public Overture Online, such as Resolutions to amend the bylaws, member status updates, and other announcements requiring due notice per the Bylaws. If you are a member in good standing and didn’t receive your print copy, email us or view it online by logging in to your member account at afm47.org.

Women’s History Month: Exploring the Important Role of Women in Labor History


The history of America’s working women is a history of advocating for the abolition of slavery, the right to vote, the right to unionize, the welfare of children, and the extension of human rights to all. Women were among the first workers to bear the hardships of the industrial revolution, and among the first to unionize.

Women have participated in the labor movement in both a lead and supportive role through its entire history, but the movement has not always been friendly in return. Continue reading