Tag Archives: email scam

Beware of “email spoofing” scam

Several Local 47 members have recently reported receiving emails from an email account appearing to be from President Stephanie O’Keefe, requesting an urgent reply. Some messages have included mention of “gift cards,” while others have simply asked for an immediate response for an unknown reason.

We want to warn everyone that these emails are a common “email spoofing scam” generated by a scammer targeting Local 47 members. We encourage all of our members to be mindful and watch out for such phishing attempts, NOT TO REPLY to these messages, delete them immediately, and block the sender.

Should you have any questions about this matter, or if you receive a suspicious message that mentions AFM Local 47 in the future, please email webmaster@afm47.org.

Email Phishing Scam Alert

Several Local 47 members have recently reported receiving emails from someone claiming to want to hire them, and saying they obtained their contact information from afm47.org. Many of these messages appear similar and state that the job is voiceover work for a game show. Some, but not all, reference “Relix Media Inc.” and/or “John Loyal.”
We want to warn everyone that these emails seem to have been generated by a scammer/bot using our public-facing website exploiting our online member directory search feature, and that our website is working properly. Please do not reply to them. We encourage all of our members to be mindful and watch out for phishing attempts.

Please be aware that only the contact information you choose to have displayed in your profile is made available on our website. If you wish to update your Member Directory Profile preferences, you may fill out the form at afm47.org/directory.

Should you have any questions about this or receive a suspicious message that mentions AFM Local 47 in the future, please email webmaster@afm47.org.