Dear Members:
On June 9, 2015, the AFM Local 47 Executive Board requested strike sanction approval from the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor against Cinema Scoring, CMG Music Recording, and Peter Rotter Music Services. This request came as the result of these employers’ actual and/or potential non-union engagements that would undermine area standards and harm the livelihoods of musicians who depend on fair employment for their survival.
On June 24, the strike sanctions were approved by the LA County Federation of Labor, which represents over 300 unions and hundreds of thousands of working women and men throughout Los Angeles County. These strike sanctions mean that if and when any of the aforementioned parties calls a non-union engagement, other labor unions have agreed to stand in solidarity with us and not cross our line. Executive Secretary-Treasurer Rusty Hicks sent letters to all parties informing them of the strike sanction authorizations, which can be read here. Continue reading →