Category Archives: WhyUnion

#WhyUnion? Gina Kronstadt

“Why Union? I’ve remained a union member since 1976 because the jobs are more professionally run, musicians are shown more respect (proper breaks and environment), access to rehearsal rooms, and we receive our benefits and back-end payments. No brainer. #winwinwinwinwin”

– Gina Kronstadt, Violinist
Member since 1976

#WhyUnion? Siddhartha Khosla

“Now more than ever, the musicians that bring our scores to life need us. With the challenging times we’re in, unions become even more important in supporting our fellow players and collaborators. It’s important for musicians to know that a union, and we composers have their back.”

– Siddhartha Khosla, Composer
Member since 2013

#WhyUnion? Beate & Chris Walden

“It seems to me that especially during a time of great instability, people need community and support. These valid forms of human need are met through the union’s support systems which keep musician’s pay and health benefits steady. Nothing could be more crucial for an artist.”

– Beate Walden, Violinist
Member since 2021

“The most important aspect of our union to me is solidarity. We watch out for each other, and stand up together for our rights and adequate pay.”

– Chris Walden, Arranger
Member since 1996