Category Archives: Officer Reports

President’s Report: July 2024

“…with liberty and justice for all…”

So much of what the AFM, and all labor unions do, can be contained in that one seemingly simple phrase. We are all constantly engaged in a quest for equal, fair, and just treatment for our members.

Unfortunately, it is often quite a struggle — and the attempted exploitation of musicians and other workers can be nothing short of stomach churning.
But we persist because it is the right thing to do and because musicians deserve to be treated and compensated fairly for their creations. Continue reading

Vice President’s Report: July 2024

Our Angeleno summer is heating up, and just like that, a whole new season is upon us. Rest assured there’s plenty new here at Local 47 beyond soaring temperatures!

As I write this, we are about to launch “E2,” our long-awaited new database system. E2 is more than just a database; it is the breathing heart and soul of all of our work here at the Local, from membership communications and payments to job processing to mailings and more. The process of designing the system began before my tenure as Vice President, but I have been in charge of the development. And yes, that means that any frustrations you may have should be sent my way. 🙂 Continue reading

Secretary/Treasurer’s Report: July 2024

Happy summer!

We are facing a number of challenges here at Local 47 and every one of them is significant and interconnected. Your Executive Board is grappling with our finances long term, but the realities of revenue versus expenses are presenting real challenges to investing in our goals and values.

Plan on attending the next General Membership Meeting on July 22 at 7:30 p.m. to hear detailed information on our finances. We need your input and participation!

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