Category Archives: All News

ICSOM Provides Legal Guidance Regarding the Application of Force Majeure Due to Coronavirus Threat

by Kevin Case, ICSOM Counsel and Member of Local 10-208 (Chicago, IL)

via International Musician – Editor’s note: This article was a memo sent to International Conference of Symphony and Opera Musicians (ICSOM) delegates and committee chairs, and a version of this is appearing in the ICSOM newsletter Senza Sordino. It is being reprinted with permission.

Dear Delegates:

As you know, the Covid-19 situation is developing rapidly and has begun to impact our orchestras. Several have cancelled or are planning to cancel concerts and upcoming tours, sometimes voluntarily and sometimes in response to orders from a municipal government or other controlling authority. Musicians have concerns about the legal implications of this on their employment—particularly the application of force majeure or “Act of God” clauses—and about how to work with management in this uncertain time. Continue reading

Emergency Relief for musicians affected by coronavirus

The AFM Local 47 Executive Board has established an Emergency Relief Fund for members who have lost revenue due to work stoppages resulting from the coronavirus COVID-19 emergency.

The Local 47 COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund will be able to extend a limited amount of grants for members who work for employers covered by a Live Performance or Electronic Media Local 47 contract or CBA. Members in need may submit an application for up to two service sets lost, in the amount of $75 per service set, for a maximum total of $150. (The two service sets may be from the same employer or from different employers.)

A “service set” is a set of performances/rehearsals for one full run of a concert or show. For example, if a musician gets contracted to play for “The Sound of Music” on at the Pantages and is scheduled for 2 rehearsals and 3 separate performances, that counts as one “service set.” Continue reading

Relief options for musicians: unemployment, disability, paid family leave & more

CA Employment Development Department (EDD)

If you have experienced canceled work services or reduced hours —whether or not you are a W2 employee — or you need to stay at home with your children due to school closures relating to COVID-19, you may be able to file a claim with the California EDD. Click here for full information to review your circumstances and how to apply for benefits.

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Advice for Musicians in Relation to Coronavirus (COVID-19)

A Message From AFM Local 47

The health and safety of our members and their families is of paramount importance. With the developing global situation, we have put together the following guide set out below concerning health and contractual matters relating to Coronavirus (COVID-19).

For advice on hygiene and preventing the spread of COVID-19, observe the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on the prevention of catching and spreading germs here. Additionally, the Professional Musicians Local 47 and Employers’ Health & Welfare Fund offers these precautionary guidelines. Continue reading

H&W: The New Coronavirus

How Does it Spread?

The 2019 strain of the corona virus is what is known as a novel coronavirus, which means that it is a new strain of coronavirus that has not been previously identified. The 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), is not the same as currently known coronaviruses that commonly circulate among humans and cause mild illness, like the common cold. Continue reading

March 2020 Overture Online: Women Who Rock

Inside This Issue:

Women Who Rock

Celebrating Women’s History Month

Voting is Changing in CA

How to cast your ballot in the 2020 Primary

Member Spotlight

Zooey Deschanel

and more!

Download the FREE App:

Overture Online is optimized for reading via smartphone or tablet. For those without access to a smart device, issues may be viewed on a web browser here. Local 47 members may download archived pdf versions from the members section at

Women Who Rock: #AFM47 Playlist

March is Women’s History Month, and to celebrate we’re highlighting just a few of our wonderfully talented female members with our “Women Who Rock” #AFM47 playlist. 

Listen below to hear music made by women members of the American Federation of Musicians Local 47, recorded union in Los Angeles.