Category Archives: All News

Now More Than Ever, Union Contracts Can Help

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought our industry to a complete halt, and even as we are socially isolated from one another, we are suffering together both economically and artistically.

But we are a diverse union. Our members include musicians who compose, prepare and perform music in an incredibly wide variety of fields, from theater and club work, symphonic, opera and ballet, film, television, sound recordings and other recording work — if it involves music, at least some of us are doing it as part of our livelihoods Continue reading

General Membership Meeting: April 27, 2020

Based on guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and the California Governor’s Office prohibiting group gatherings during the COVID-19 crisis, we will be holding our next General Membership Meeting on April 27, 2020, electronically via Zoom. Open to all members in good standing.  

All Local 47 members will be receiving an email alert inviting you to register for the meeting. Registration is required. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing a unique link and information about joining the Zoom Membership Meeting. (If you are a member who did not receive an email, send a message to:

On the Agenda (subject to change):
– Nominations for Election Board and Salary Review Board*
– Officer Reports
– Old and New Business

* Nominations will be open for the Election Board and the Salary Review board during the meeting. Per the decision of the Local 47 Election Board, nominations will be accepted at the meeting, and should more candidates than positions available be nominated, an electronic election will be held via Election Buddy.

UPDATE: A special election to fill a vacancy for Trustee on the Executive Board, currently held temporarily by Lydia Reinebach as appointed by the Board, will take place at our July 27 General Membership Meeting.

‘Jack of All Trades Master of Some’ – Career Musician Master Class With Michael ‘Nomad’ Ripoll


The Career Musician Master Class With Michael “Nomad” Ripoll

Interactive ZOOM Webinar
Saturday, April 11, 2020 @ 2-3:30pm

We are thrilled to announce a new Master Class series launching April 11, 2020!

Session musician, music director and composer Michael “Nomad” Ripoll will share his tips and insights on the importance of diversification and business acumen in the music industry.

This Master Class is presented free exclusively to AFM Local 47 members.
(Membership will be verified to gain virtual access code.)


April 2020 Overture Online: COVID-19 Emergency Resources for Musicians

Inside This Issue:

Relief for Musicians Affected by Coronavirus

How to file for unemployment, emergency relief funds & more


Fill out the 2020 Census

H&W Update

Information for Kaiser, Blue Shield, and Delta Dental Participants

and more!

Download the FREE App:

Overture Online is optimized for reading via smartphone or tablet. For those without access to a smart device, issues may be viewed on a web browser here. Local 47 members may download archived pdf versions from the members section at

Musicians FAQ on Filing for Unemployment and Other Benefits

Dear Members:

We’ve been working with the California Employment Development Department and unemployment insurance experts on guidance for how musicians can navigate through applying for benefits including unemployment, paid family leave, disability and more due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Please visit our Musicians FAQ for Filing Claims With EDD for answers to frequently asked questions. This page will be updated in real time with the most up-to-date information as it becomes available. Continue reading

Board approves 60-day moratorium on suspensions for membership dues

We know these are trying and uncertain times, and because of the coronavirus thousands of musicians are suddenly finding themselves out of work. With the deadline for membership payments quickly approaching, the Local 47 Executive Board has decided to put in place a moratorium on suspensions for delinquent membership dues for 60 days until May 31, 2020, in addition to waiving late fees on past due work dues for 60 days.

If you are out of work, you can immediately file for unemployment and other benefits from the California Employment Development Department. We are working with EDD on getting answers to specific frequently asked questions from musicians, which we will share on our website as soon as possible. Stay safe out there!

In Unity & Health,
AFM Local 47

UPDATE: Our Musicians FAQ for Filing Unemployment Insurance, PUA and Other Benefits is now available at

Please visit our COVID-19 Resources page at

EDD Update on filing for emergency relief

Unprecedented demand for unemployment benefits triggered by COVID-19

Sacramento – The demand for Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits has skyrocketed as the Coronavirus impacts hard working Californians and their families. For the week ending March 21, the EDD processed 186,809 UI claims.  This is a significant increase over the prior week, during which the EDD processed a revised 57,606 UI claims.

As the U.S. Department of Labor makes the California claim data available to the public each Thursday, the EDD will release weekly updates on the EDD online newsroom. Continue reading

Send us your questions on filing for unemployment & other EDD benefits by 3/26

AFM Local 47 Members: If you have questions about how to file for unemployment insurance, disability, paid family leave or other benefits, we want to hear from you.

We are working directly with the California Labor Federation and the Employment Development Department (EDD) to help musicians who have lost work because of the coronavirus COVID-19 emergency navigate through the specifics of how to file for benefits.

We are currently are collecting questions to share with our local EDD representatives. Please email your questions to prior to midnight on Thursday, March 26. We will be sharing the answers we receive from EDD, along with additional resources, with members via email and post the same to our emergency resources page at

Stay well and safe!
-AFM Local 47

AFM Local 47 offices are closed, but services remain available

Following the executive orders issued by Governor Newsom and Mayor Garcetti the evening of March 19, effective immediately, AFM Local 47 offices are closed until further notice.

We are committed to limiting disruptions to member services, with staff working remotely from home where possible. We will continue to serve our members by phone, email and other digital means. We thank you for your patience while our staff transitions to the remote setup, and please know that all of your calls, voicemails and emails will be returned as soon as possible. Continue reading

A message from President John Acosta

Dear Member:

What a shockingly crazy few weeks! Our industry, our union, our members and families, staff and employers, colleagues here at home and around the world — all of our lives disrupted. Our gigs canceled, our concerts postponed, our schools closed and all around us fear and anxiety of what may come. Who would have known that when we wished “Happy New Year!” at 12 midnight of 2020 we would be here in March, quarantined in our homes because of a deadly virus that has attacked countries around the world and now begins to make its way through our society. Continue reading