Category Archives: All News

Musicians Support WGA

AFM musicians from coast to coast are supporting our Writers Guild colleagues in their strike. Their goal is our goal; winning fair and livable compensation from the same huge film/TV studios we will be negotiating with later this year.

Marking the first WGA strike in more than 10 years, writers walked off the job on May 2 after talks between WGA and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers came to a standstill. Continue reading

Modern Composition

This series of six classes will feature examples that demonstrate styles heard in composers such as Bernard Herrmann, John Williams, Thomas Newman, and Max Richter.

The course will explore a range of theoretical concepts of modern composition and the various ways they are used in film and media composition. 

Topics covered include intervals and chords, pitch in tonal and nontonal music,  pantriadicism, Neo-Riemannian theory, chromatic and modal composition, minimalism, and aleatoric composition.

These free classes are being offered exclusively to AFM Local 47 members in good standing. Registration deadline: August 2, 2023.

Learn more and register at

June 2023 Overture Online: Musicians Support WGA

Inside This Issue:

  • COVER STORY: Musicians Support WGA
  • AFM Local 47 Celebrates Pride Month
  • Spring Membership Drive Ends June 30 – Spread the Word!
  • Member Spotlight: Wendy & Lisa
  • Modern Composition with Dr. Norman Ludwin: Free for Members
  • Unions Strike Back! Thousands Gather in Solidarity at DTLA Rally
  • Pasadena Playhouse Receives Regional Theatre Tony Award
  • Audition: Santa Barbara Symphony
and more!

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Final Note: Jeffrey Rizzo

Life Member. Piano
6/16/1954 – 5/1/2023

Jeff Rizzo’s favorite Broadway musical was… well, almost all of them. Well known for his opinionated theatrical viewpoints, if a show was well cast and directed, with a sufficiently large orchestra, and moved along (preferably under 90 minutes), he’d give it a thumbs up. Musical Theater was in his blood…musicals were his life and few people exist that share his vast knowledge on the subject. Continue reading

Unions Strike Back: Rally & Dance Party – 5/26/2023

Get ready Los Angeles! We’re gearing up for the summer of strikes with the first ever UNIONS STRIKE BACK: Rally and Dance Party. Unions from all industry sectors are gathering to participate in a massive showing of solidarity to demand JUSTICE. ✊

Many unions including the AFM have contracts ending this year. We are standing shoulder to shoulder to ensure that we all get our fair share of fair pay, better benefits, and strong contracts.

Who: All of Los Angeles Labor

What: UNIONS STRIKE BACK: Rally and Dance Party

When: Friday, May 26, 4-7pm

Where: 12th St. & Figueroa Blvd, Downtown Los Angeles – AFM Local 47 musicians will gather at the Shaquille O’Neal statue outside Arena 

Getting There: Directions | Parking Map | Public Transportation

Click Here to RSVP

Facebook Event Page

Be sure to wear your blue Local 47 T-shirt! Share this with everyone you know and be there, the resistance needs you. #UnionsStrikeBack

All That Jazz: First Annual AFM Local 47 Jazz Festival a Huge Success

A heartfelt thanks to all performers and attendees at our First Annual AFM Local 47 Jazz Festival!

We celebrated our three-day inaugural concert series over three Sundays in April, during Jazz Appreciation Month, in our new Captain Greg Welch Gathering Place. Generously sponsored by the Music Performance Trust Fund and AFM Local 47, and supported by CenterStaging and Union Graphics, the concerts were presented free to the public. Continue reading