Category Archives: Events


Disneyland Band Audition Notice from Orange County Local 7

If you are auditioning for a position as a musical performer at Disneyland in Anaheim, please see this important message from Orange County Musicians’ Association Local 7:

FROM: Orange County Musicians’ Association, Local 7, AFM
TO: Musicians auditioning for the Disneyland Band
DATE: April 9, 2015
SUBJECT: Disneyland Band Auditions

After 59 years of continuous service, the Disneyland Band was given an “end of run” notice on March 31, 2015 and was told that auditions for a new Disneyland Band would commence April 15; Local 7 was informed the same day. While this does present an opportunity for employment, musicians auditioning for this job need to be aware. Continue reading

Orchestration Classes with Dr. Norman Ludwin

Norman 2015

Free courses for all Local 47 members

RSVP: 323.993.3179,

Orchestration I: July 18-Sept 5, 2015

Participants are introduced to orchestral instruments and their usage. Two areas are covered: instrumentation, which deals with the construction, sound production, range, notation, and playing techniques of each instrument; and orchestration, which is the actual process of scoring music for orchestra. Groups of instruments examined include brass, strings, woodwinds, keyboards, harp, and percussion. Class sessions involve score study, instrumental demonstrations, and performance and discussion of student assignments. Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of music fundamentals; e.g. notes, keys, scales, meter, etc. RSVP: 323.993.3179,

Orchestration II: Sept 12-Oct 31, 2015

Students will learn composition and elements of form by looking at contemporary styles of music, score study, analysis of different composers’ methods of orchestration, score reduction (e.g. learning how to reduce an orchestral score to a piano part, or reducing to a five-line staff), and possible guest lecturers. The ending course project is a recording of students’ original compositions by the Symphony 47 orchestra.

Support the Local 47 Political Action Committee Fund

local-47-pacCHECK THE BOX

Let’s take our voices straight
to City Hall!

Your voluntary contributions will allow us to take our concerns directly to City Hall by supporting candidates and legislation that furthers the goals of professional musicians in Los Angeles.

Donate Today!

  • Check the “Local 47 PAC” box on your Dues Statement and write in your desired donation amount.
  • Send a check payable to: “Local 47 PAC” 817 Vine St. Hollywood CA 90038.
  • Log in to your member account at (Payments > Funds Payments)

Referral Service Meet & Greet with Christy Crowl

meet greet collage

Promoting Live Musicians in Los Angeles with Christy Crowl

Monday, March 9
7-9 p.m.
Local 47 Serena Kay & Earl Williams Auditorium

The latest installment of our Referral Service Meet & Greet series will feature guest speaker Christy Crowl, a musical director, conductor, keyboard player, singer, and music collaborator. Continue reading

Air Travel Now Officially Sweeter for Musicians


Photo by xlibber/Flickr Creative Commons

Transportation Authority releases final ruling on musical instruments onboard U.S. air carriers

On Dec. 30, 2014, the U.S. Department of Transportation released the long-awaited final administrative rule which fully implements section 403 of the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2012, the law authorizing musical instruments as carry-on baggage on board U.S. air carriers.

This historic accomplishment was led by the American Federation of musicians and made possible through efforts by members of Congress who are longtime AFM allies, and officers and rank-and-file members of Local 161-710 in Washington, D.C.

The final ruling pertaining to musical instruments can be read at

When traveling by air with your musical instrument, the AFM strongly recommends that you take a copy of this TSA letter & FAA rules you: FAA letter 2015.pdf