Author Archives: admin

Cabrillo Music Theatre presents ‘Evita’


Local 47 Live Business Rep Michael A. Ankney (second from left) visited the Cabrillo Music Theatre Orchestra musicians at a recent production of “Evita” at the Kavli.

Perhaps one of the most well known figures in Latin American political history, Evita Peron remains a revered figure in her homeland. The fascinating life of Argentina’s first lady takes center stage in the Andrew Lloyd Webber/Tim Rice musical, a production that’s almost as legendary as Peron herself. “Evita” took the Kavli stage for the first time in a run Oct. 14-23, 2016. Continue reading

AFM musicians agree: #performancematters

Musicians stand with SAG-AFTRA video game workers striking for a fair contract


Members of AFM Local 47 joined with hundreds of SAG-AFTRA members, labor and community supporters on today’s picket line outside of Warner Bros. Studios regarding interactive video game employment.

SAG-AFTRA members continue on their second week on strike against several video game employers. Following the first demonstration last week, AFM musicians again joined hundreds on the picket line in support of voiceover and motion-capture workers seeking a fair contract.  Continue reading

November 2016 Overture Online: Vote Union Strong

Overture Online
November 2016

Vote Union Strong
Election Day is Tuesday, November 8: Important Reminders & Los Angeles Labor Voter Guide

Gear Up for Grammys 2016
More than 21,000 entries submitted for 59th Awards consideration; nominations to be announced Dec. 6

AFM Musicians Support SAG-AFTRA Video Game Strikers
More than 100 join picket line in Playa Vista 

ASMAC to Honor Emmy-Winning Composers
Alf Clausen and William Ross to recieve 2016 Golden Score Awards

and more!

The Overture Online app is available FREE @ Apple App Store & Google Play:

Overture Online is optimized for reading via smartphone or tablet. For those without access to a smart device, this issue may be viewed on a web browser (must have flash enabled). Local 47 members may download archived pdf versions from the members section at Continue reading

November 2016 In Memoriam

Shirley Cornell (Appleton)
Life Member. Violin
12/28/1922 – 10/12/2016
Survived by children

Adrian P. Bal
1/24/1925 – 9/20/2016
Survived by spouse & children

John C. Caper
Life Member. Trumpet
2/6/1933 – 9/8/2016
Survived by spouse & children

Barry Socher
Life Member. Violin
11/2/1947 – 10/22/2016
Survived by spouse & children

Frederick Tinsley
Life Member. Bass
3/3/1940 – 9/19/2016
Survived by spouse & children

Vote Union Strong! LA County Fed 2016 Voter Guide & GOTV


As a member of the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor AFL-CIO, we support progressive initiatives and leaders that address the urgent concerns of our community. The candidates and ballot measures below are the best choices for working people. Vote by mail or find your polling location and vote at the ballot box.

Download the pdf of endorsements from the LA County Federation of Labor here.


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H&W: 2017 Health and Life Insurance Eligibility

H&WProfessional Musicians, Local 47 and Employers’ Health and Welfare Fund

Eligibility & Enrollment Information

 Eligibility and Enrollment information will be mailed to eligible participants in approximately mid-November. Enrollment materials will be sent to the participant’s last address on file with the Fund’s Administrative Office, so please ensure that the Fund has your most up-to-date address information.

The enrollment materials will advise the eligible participant at which Level of coverage they have qualified (A, B or C), based on employer contributions the Fund received on the participant’s behalf for employment between Oct. 3, 2015, and Oct. 2, 2016. Benefit summaries and co-premium costs for the applicable Level will also be included in the enrollment material. Continue reading

Member spotlight: Phil Upchurch

upchurch-officersAFM Local 47’s three titled officers were pleased to present Phil Upchurch with his Life Member pin following the meeting. His lifetime membership in the Los Angeles musicians union was recognized in a letter presented to him by U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein. From left: President John Acosta, Phil Upchurch, Secretary/Treasurer Gary Lasley, Vice President Rick Baptist.

A prolific guitarist whose distinctively funky, blues-steeped jazz style has graced well over a thousand recordings across the popular music spectrum, the legendary Phil Upchurch has also recorded 27 albums of his own leadership, as well as movie soundtracks.

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TMA SoCal Announces Special Year-End Membership Drive

tma-theatre-musicians-association-logo3-month trial membership for $12.50

TMA SoCal is the Southern California Chapter of the Theatre Musicians Association, an AFM Player Conference representing musical theatre musicians throughout the United States.

Why Join?


TMA is the only AFM Player Conference dedicated exclusively to issues and concerns facing all theatre musicians in the AFM. We advocate to the AFM and through our local chapters on behalf of traveling, local and Broadway-based musicians. Continue reading

By the Artists, For the Artists


ProMusicDB calls for first-ever artist-controlled database for music credits

In the digital age, controlling one’s music credits, identity and legacy is more challenging than ever before. Many organizations have tried—and failed—to serve as a central online music credits resource.

Why have none of these organizations succeeded? For starters, none are willing to put the control of credits in the hands of the artists themselves. It’s only fitting, then, that an artist would develop the most promising solution to date: Continue reading

Final Note: John Caper

Note TreeLife Member. Trumpet
(2/6/1933 – 9/8/2016)

John Caper Jr., longtime Local 47 member, retired, passed away Sept. 8, 2016. He is survived by his wife, Pamela, his son John Caper III, daughter-in-law Iris Caper, daughter Cathi Wolf, son-in-law Rick Wolf, and grandchildren Courtney Omahen, Scott Wolf, Terry Wolf, Christine Caper, Catherine Caper, and stepdaughter Angelique Lionheart and grandson Joaquin Taylor.