Author Archives: admin

LA Jazz Society Celebrates Quincy Jones

All photos courtesy of LA Jazz Society AFM Local 47 Director Pam Gates, legendary Life Member Quincy Jones, and President John Acosta at the LA Jazz Society Jazz Tribute Awards Concert on Nov. 19, 2016.

AFM Local 47 Director Pam Gates, legendary Life Member Quincy Jones, and President John Acosta at the LA Jazz Society Jazz Tribute Awards Concert on Nov. 19, 2016. (All photos courtesy of LA Jazz Society)

Featured performers included Patti Austin, Emily Bear, the Clayton Brothers, Siedah Garrett, Justin Kauflin, Alfredo Rodriguez & more

This year’s Jazz Tribute Awards Concert presented by the Los Angeles Jazz Society was held Saturday, Nov. 19 at The Montalban Theatre in Hollywood honoring the one and only Quincy Jones with our 2016 Lifetime Achievement Award.

“Celebrating the World of Quincy Jones” saluted him for his many years of mentorship and support of young musicians, along with his multitude of musical achievements. The extensive performer list includesd Patti Austin, Emily Bear, Jeff and John Clayton, Darynn Dean, Siedah Garrett, Justin Kauflin, Alfredo Rodriguez, Hubert Laws, Rickey Minor, Greg Phillinganes, Katie Thiroux and the LA Jazz Society Big Band. Continue reading Extends Open Enrollment Period for Holiday Season 

promusicdbWith the holidays in full swing, is extending its open enrollment period through the end of 2016 so even more people can give the gift of music credits preservation to their friends, relatives or loved ones. Starting at an annual fee of $97, membership with is the perfect gift idea for any musician who wants to ensure they are properly credited for any project they work on or create. Signup is available at is the first artist-controlled authority of music credits, enabling songwriters, musicians, producers and engineers to take control of their credits, identity, metadata and digital legacy. The result is the preservation of music credits for the digital future. Continue reading

Made in LA: 2017 GRAMMY nominees & winners

* Updated 2/13/2017 to include winners, marked in bold italics *

Congratulations to all nominees in the 59th annual GRAMMY® Awards!

The excerpted list below highlights recordings performed here in Los Angeles with members of the American Federation of Musicians Local 47, nabbing 49 noms (and 11 wins!). We salute not only the musicians directly nominated, but also the many recording and music prep musicians behind the scenes whose work shines through on these recordings! Continue reading

H&W: Enrollment Information

H&WProfessional Musicians, Local 47 and Employers’ Health & Welfare Fund


November 20th – December 20th

Enrollment information has been mailed to all eligible participants. November 20th through December 20th is the Fund’s Open-Enrollment period. This is the time of year to select one of the benefit options if you are newly eligible, and decide to enroll, or to make changes to your benefits if you are already enrolled and remain eligible for the same level of coverage. Continue reading

December 2016 Overture Online: Happy Holidays!

dec-cover-2016Overture Online
December 2016

Happy Holidays!
From the Officers, Executive Board, and Staff of AFM Local 47

2016 Election Recap
A message from California Labor Federation President Art Pulaski

RMA Night 2016 Honors Randy Newman
Composer reminisces with hundreds L.A.’s top studio players

Flex Plan Open Enrollment Meeting
Join us Tuesday, December 6

LA Jazz Society Celebrates Quincy Jones
Photos from the 2016 Jazz Tribute Awards concert

and more!

The Overture Online app is available FREE @ Apple App Store & Google Play:

Overture Online is optimized for reading via smartphone or tablet. For those without access to a smart device, this issue may be viewed on a web browser (must have flash enabled). Local 47 members may download archived pdf versions from the members section at Continue reading