Author Archives: admin

Join AFM Local 47 and Musicians @ WOMEN’S MARCH LOS ANGELES

wmla47Saturday, January 21, 2017
9am – 2pm
@ Pershing Square

Women’s March Los Angeles is open to everyone who stands for human rights, civil liberties, tolerance of diversity, and compassion for our shared humanity.

We stand together in solidarity for the protection of our rights, our safety, our health, and our families — recognizing that our vibrant and diverse communities are the strength of our country.


Sign up to join with fellow AFM Local 47 members and supporters and march with us at the city’s largest grassroots mobilization around the inauguration on January 21!

Send in your Music Performance Trust Fund application by April 1


The Recording Industries’ Music Performance Trust Fund (MPTF) fiscal year ends April 30. Now is the time for potential grant applicants to send in letters requesting assistance for your group, ensemble or orchestra.

Changes to the MPTF require that all grant applicants have a Federal ID number (e.g. non-profit organization, local business, etc.) and assume all employer responsibilities; Local 47 is no longer responsible for preparing the payrolls as in years past. Applicants accepted for an MPTF grant are responsible for direct payment to all musicians, including benefits, work dues and the proper filing of union reports with Local 47. Once all the necessary paperwork and proof of payroll is submitted to Local 47, the documents will be sent to MPTF headquarters in New York. Once verified and processed, your grant check will be mailed directly from MPTF. Continue reading

Are you planning to attend the 2017 NAMM show?

namm_logoNAMM 2017 – Anaheim, California, January 19 – 22

Show your AFM pride and tell your AFM brothers and sisters who you are.

The International Musician will be at NAMM doing short AFM member testimonial videos for the website.

If you will be there and are interested in participating, please contact IM managing editor Cherie Yurco ( to set up an appointment.

Thank you!

H&W: Affordable Care Act and Your 2016 Income Tax Filing

blue_shield_of_california-svg kaiser

Professional Musicians, Local 47 and Employers’ Health & Welfare Fund

Proof of Enrollment in a Health Plan

H&WAs the end of the year approaches and you prepare to enjoy the holidays with your family and friends, employers and participants should also be aware of the tax filings which are required. With these considerations in mind, the IRS has provided you with a gift, Notice 2016-70. Notice 2016-70, notified Participants that the IRS has extended the due date for health care providers, and employers, to provide covered persons the required tax forms. Continue reading

January 2017 In Memoriam

Thomas K. Burnett
Life Member. Guitar
7/4/1923 – 11/7/2016
Survived by spouse & family

Charles W. Flores
Life Member. Drums
1/5/1935 – 11/24/2016
Survived by daughters & family

Samuel Lee Jr.
Life Member. Drums
2/26/1930 – 11/28/2016
Survived by spouse & children

Eugene L. Soiseth
Life Member. Drums
11/23/1919 – 9/21/2016
Survived by cousins

January 2017 Overture Online – Come Together (Right Now)

Overture Online
January 2017

Come Together
(Right Now)

Now more than ever, musicians must organize for the future of our union and our nation

WIN: Spreading the Labor Beat
Workers Independent News expands to over 400 satellite NPR stations

ProMusicDB Partners With NAMM
Free 2017 NAMM Show badges for all new registrants

A Brief History of the TMA
An overview by the TMA SoCal chapter

CD Spotlight: ‘Breaking Through’ 
Paul Henning releases solo debut for piano and orchestra

and from all of us at Overture….

Happy New Year!
The Overture Online app is available FREE @ Apple App Store & Google Play:

Overture Online is optimized for reading via smartphone or tablet. For those without access to a smart device, this issue may be viewed on a web browser (must have flash enabled). Local 47 members may download archived pdf versions from the members section at Continue reading

2017 Wage Scale Update

2017 Wage Scale Update

The Executive Board has approved the Wage Scale Committee’s recommendations for updates to Live Engagements and Music Prep for Live Engagements, which take effect January 1, 2017.

A preliminary digital copy of the 2017 Wage Scale book is available in the Member Section at (login required) from the “Members-Only Scales & Documents” tab.

Please note: The AFM is currently formulating Music Prep scales for copyists preparing parts for musical theater. Our printed 2017 Wage Scale book, and the digital copy on our website, will be published once these are released. Sign up here to receive an email alert when the new books are available.