Author Archives: admin

In Memoriam: March 2017

David Axelrod
Life Member. Composer
4/17/1931 – 2/5/2017
Survived by spouse & children

Jonathan S. Charles
Life Member. Orchestrator
10/14/1946 – 1/3/2017
Survived by spouse & son

Thomas M. Diener
6/15/1959 – 2/2/2017
Survived by husband

Jack Haggerty
Life Member. Guitar
12/19/1918 – 3/15/2016
Survived by spouse

Alwin L. Jarreau
Life Member. Vocalist
3/12/1940 – 2/12/2017
Survived by friends

Daniel J. Mark
Life Member. Guitar
7/14/1946 – 1/5/2017
Survived by son & family

A. Byron Peebles
Life Member. Baritone Horn
1/30/1931 – 1/16/2017
Survived by spouse & children

H&W: Dental Hygiene Tips From Delta Dental

Professional Musicians, Local 47 and Employers’  Health & Welfare Fund 


Parties with friends, family visits, holiday shopping – often, we get swept up in the festivities of the holiday season, and we may let the little things slide. But don’t let the hustle and bustle of the season keep you from practicing good dental hygiene. Continue reading

BlackMusic, BlackWork exhibit launches in Leimert Park

Photo: Linda A. Rapka

Leimert Park lit up the night of February 23, 2017, at the exhibition opening of BlackMusic, BlackWork.

Presented in conjunction with the Los Angeles Black Worker Center, UCLA Labor Center, the exhibit shares the dynamic history of organizing in the arts spans the founding of the Black musicians union Local 767 in the 1920s to the contemporary struggles of working musicians who understand the transformative power of art and culture.

Special guests speakers included AFM Local 47 President John Acosta, Executive Secretary-Treasurer, LA County Federation of Labor Rusty Hicks, Los Angeles Black Worker Center Co-founder Lola Smallwood Cuevas and member Andrene Scott, and Dr. Robin D.G. Kelley, Professor and Gary B. Nash Endowed Chair in U.S. History at UCLA. Black Worker Center member Patsy Howard served as MC. Continue reading

Benny Hollman Music Library Sale

Via Musicians Association of San Diego County Local 325:

The following is information for the sale of the late Benny Hollman’s musical library to be held on Sunday, February 26, 2017, at Arias Hall located at the Musicians Association of San Diego County, 1717 Morena Blvd. San Diego 92110, from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm. Continue reading

U.S. Congresswoman Judy Chu to join Musicians’ Town Hall

This Monday, Presidents Day, from 7-9 pm, Musicians will gather at Local 47 to talk politics.

Our panelists include:

  • U.S. Congresswoman Judy Chu
  • AFM Local 47 President John Acosta, Host
  • ICSOM President Meredith Snow
  • Composer and Secretary of Americans for Democratic Action Cliff Tasner
  • RMA President Marc Sazer
  • WGA-West Political Director Corri Freedman


  • Panelists presentation and member Q&A
  • Broad group discussion
  • Taking action

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AFM Releases New National Music Theater Prep Rates

Following a proposal from Locals 47 and 802, the AFM International Executive Board, pursuant to its authority under Article 3, Sections 9(b)-(e) of the AFM Bylaws, has approved a National Live Musical Theater music preparation minimum scale, applicable in the U.S. and Canada, to become effective on April 1, 2017.

This National Musical Theater Music Preparation scale is for live musical theater productions only, applicable in all locals of the US and Canada. It shall not apply to any other category of music prep services (e.g., symphonic, electronic media, miscellaneous, etc.).

Establishment of this scale stabilizes rates in an increasingly portable work environment and removes the incentive for producers or their agents located, or mounting a production, in a Local’s jurisdiction to engage music prep services in a different Local solely on the basis that a different Local may have lower music prep rates.

A copy of this wage scale may be accessed in the members section at (login required).

6th Annual Made In Hollywood Honors recognizes Los Angeles-scored films

The 6th Annual Made In Hollywood Honors recognized La La Land, Moana and Zootopia as this year’s Oscar-nominated features filmed here in California. All three motion pictures carry the distinct designation of having also been scored in Los Angeles by AFM Local 47 musicians.

Hosted by L.A. City Councilmember Mitch O’Farrell, the honors ceremony was held on the morning of February 16, 2017, at the Heart of Hollywood Terrace at 1600 VINE, which stands on the historic site of the Hollywood Brown Derby.
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