Author Archives: admin

Stamp Out Hunger: Making a Difference One Bag at a Time

Letter Carriers Union hosts 25th annual Food Drive on Saturday, May 13

Millions of Americans live from one day to the next uncertain where their next meal will come from. This sad statistic reinforces the importance of the National Association of Letter Carriers’ annual national Stamp Out Hunger® Food Drive, held the second Saturday of each May. This year’s event will be held Saturday, May 13, 2017. Continue reading

Healthcare: As ACA faces repeal, California shows there is a better way

As the repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) transpires, California is ready to show another path is possible. The Californians for a Healthy California Act, SB 562 (Lara & Atkins), allows us to go on offense by guaranteeing healthcare to all in California.

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Get on the horn to Congress! Stop the elimination of the NEA.


Call your congressperson Monday to save the NEA.

Call your representative at their local office, or through the Capitol Switchboard in D.C. 202 224 3121 and tell them your name, your zip-code (so they know you live in their district), and your instrument if you play one. Ask your congressperson’s office what they will do to defend the National Endowment for the Arts, and urge them to do everything in their power to preserve access to the arts through this program.

Report Back after your call – Post a comment, tweet, and let others know when you take this important action on. #OrchestratedOpposition #SavetheNEA

2017 Academy Awards: At long last, musicians get their due

The 89th Annual Academy Awards telecast is one to be remembered — and not just for the Best Picture snafu.

In the Oscar’s 64 years of being televised, every single person who worked on the production has been listed in the end credits — that is, except for musicians.

That changed this year, when the names of all the live orchestra musicians were listed on the end crawl. Continue reading

Get your taxes done for FREE at the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program

The Entertainment Industry Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program has 40 more appointments available for union industry professionals this tax season.

Come get your taxes done for free at The Actors Fund. Please check out for eligibility, criteria and the scope of returns that can be e-filed. VITA is targeted to people with incomes under $64,000 and provides free tax preparation by volunteers trained at the IRS “military” or highest level.

All appointments are made online. There are three sessions left this 2017 tax season: March 9th, March 18th and March 23rd.

Member Spotlight: Marcy A. Sudock

Musique Sur La Mer music director blends artistry with advocacy

by Linda A. Rapka

After years of watching music programs in schools dwindle town to almost nothing in her neighborhood of Long Beach, Marcy A. Sudock set out to do something about it.

Partnering with a local neighborhood youth center in 2001, she founded the Musique Sur La Mer Orchestras, a nonprofit orchestra group serving every level of musical performance starting with musicians as young as 7 years old. In an effort to build up music programs in public schools, which often limit students to one or two electives, as a contingency to join MSLM students must also be enrolled in their school’s music program. Continue reading

March 2017 Overture Online: Women’s History Month

Overture Online
March 2017

Women’s History Month:

Honoring Trailblazing Women in Labor and Business

Musician Activists Welcome Congresswoman Judy Chu at Political Town Hall
Members talk healthcare, arts and education, labor rights, and next steps

Member Spotlight: Marcy A. Sudock
Musique Sur La Mer music director blends artistry with advocacy

2017 Academy Awards
View our exclusive behind-the-scenes photo gallery with the orchestra

BlackMusic, BlackWork Launches in Leimert Park
New historical exhibition explores the legacy of the Black Los Angeles musicians union Local 767

and more!

The Overture Online app is available FREE @ Apple App Store & Google Play:

Overture Online is optimized for reading via smartphone or tablet. For those without access to a smart device, this issue may be viewed on a web browser (must have flash enabled). Local 47 members may download archived pdf versions from the members section at Continue reading

Musicians welcome Congresswoman Judy Chu at Political Town Hall

At our Presidents Day Town Hall the evening of Feb. 20, 2017, musicians welcomed an excellent panel to discuss healthcare, labor rights, tax credits for musicians, and arts education and funding.

Guest panelists were Congresswoman Judy Chu, RMA President Marc Sazer, ICSOM President Meredith Snow, composer/arranger and Secretary of Americans for Democratic Action Cliff Tasner, and WGA-W Political Director Corri Freedman. Members asked insightful questions about where the greatest threats would come from, and about how we could do effective advocacy.

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