Author Archives: admin

Do Not Work For list updates

AFM members: The following have been added to the AFM Local 47 Do Not Work For list:

Collective Media Guild
Failure to pay area standards and discrimination against musicians due to union status

Instrumental Casting
Failure to pay area standards and discrimination against musicians due to union status

Please review the full list here.

California can guarantee healthcare in the face of healthcare attacks!

Last week the GOP voted to take our healthcare into the dark ages. But here in California, we won’t accept the federal attempts to destroy our healthcare! We will #resist and #persist and show the nation we can guarantee healthcare for all and save billions with SB 562 (Lara & Atkins)!

Remember, in California Democrats having a supermajority and the power to fix healthcare in the Golden State – now it’s up to us to make sure our legislators are with us!

If you’re ready to make sure California leads the nation in winning healthcare for all, here are 3 ways you can help build the movement to win: Continue reading

In Memoriam: May 2017

Leonard (Leon) A. Beck
Life Member. Piano
5/11/1929 – 12/4/2016
Survived by spouse

George A. Brooks
Life Member. Trumpet
1/8/1928 – 2/23/2017
Survived by children

David H. Diller
Life Member. Vocalist
4/20/1926 – 3/17/2017
Survived by children

Joseph (Joe) P. McGuire
5/20/1951 – 1/12/2017
Survived by spouse

John M. Setar
Life Member. Alto/Tenor Saxophone
11/16/1924 – 3/15/2017
Survived by spouse

Anthony (Tony) Terran
Life Member. Trumpet
5/30/1926 – 3/20/2017
Survived by children

Final Note: John Setar

Publicity photograph for John Setar (c. 1980).

Life Member. Alto/Tenor Saxophone
11/16/1924 – 3/15/2017

by Jay and Katherine Setar

Most musicians knew John Setar to be fine studio, stage, and casual musician (flute, clarinet, and sax), contractor, leader, and union member/committee member. Dad might have cited his television work with Mike Post and Pete Carpenter, the Steve Allen Westinghouse Show, and his work on the “Gravy Waltz” recording (which won the 1964 Grammy Award for Best Original Jazz Composition) as the highlights of his extensive career. However, we prefer to focus on our father as the kind, generous, self-made man who enriched the lives of those around him. Continue reading

Thousands turn out for May Day March Los Angeles 2017

AFM Local 47 musicians, WGA-West writers, and Healthy California coalition members marched with tens of thousands of Angelenos on May Day 2017 on a three-mile course from MacArthur Park to City Hall.

View our May Day photo gallery on Flickr

Musicians marched on Monday in record numbers. Our community of politically-engaged musicians has grown larger than ever before, with nearly 50 musicians making the long march in the hot sun yesterday.

Tony Jones, Jeff Fish and Bryan Head led the drumline at the May Day March Los Angeles 2017.  View our May Day YouTube playlist. Continue reading

May 2017 Overture Online: Lifetime Achievement Awards recap

Overture Online

May 2017

AFM Local 47 Lifetime Achievement Awards
Los Angeles musicians celebrate a new tradition honoring esteemed members of AFM Local 47

California One Step Closer to Healthcare for All
Musicians celebrate Senate Committee passage of SB 562

Important LAOLA Update
Notice to all Leaders, Contractors and Employers signed to the Los Angeles Orchestra Leaders’ Association agreement

Update From the AFM Pension Fund
Notice to all AFM-EPF participants

Memorial for Leslie Gersicoff
Join us in honoring and celebrating the incredible life of the Jewish Labor Committee Western Region’s longtime Executive Director

and more!

The Overture Online app is available FREE @ Apple App Store & Google Play:



Overture Online is optimized for reading via smartphone or tablet. For those without access to a smart device, this issue may be viewed on a web browser.

Local 47 members may download archived pdf versions from the members section at

We did it! SB 562 Passes First Committee Hearing!

Healthy California Bill SB 562 Passes Senate Healthcare Committee

On April 25, 2017 the Senate Health Committee voted to support SB 562 and guarantee healthcare for all Californians. Musicians join in celebrating this as the first important step on our road to making guaranteed healthcare a reality in the Golden State.

The hearing followed a rally with over 1,000 supporters including nurses, community, business, workers, seniors, doctors and healthcare providers and advocates. Thank you to Senators Hernandez, Atkins, Monning, Mitchell, and Leyva for voting Yes on SB 562 and supporting healthcare as a human right! Continue reading

Important LAOLA Update

Attention Leaders, Contractors and Employers who are signed to the Los Angeles Orchestra Leaders’ Association agreement:

Per the AFM Local 47 Executive Board, any performances tied to orchestras performing to picture, but not limited to full motion pictures, film clips, video game clips and any other music synced to picture cannot use the LAOLA CBA and must revert to WS#117-Visual Media Concerts scale in the AFM Local 47 Live Performance Wage Scale Book.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Live Performance Office: 323.993.3156, 323.993.3174

Memorial for Leslie Gersicoff

We mourn the loss of sister Leslie Gersicoff, Executive Director of the Jewish Labor Committee Western Region, a tireless friend to musicians and to all workers.

Please join us for a memorial to honor and celebrate her remarkable life on Sunday, May 21, 2017 at 3:30 p.m. in the AFM Local 47 Serena Kay and Earl Williams Auditorium, 817 Vine Street, Hollywood. Continue reading