Author Archives: admin

Looking for health insurance?

Looking for health insurance? Special Enrollment might be the answer. The Actors Fund can help.

Questions about Covered California or Medi-Cal? Wondering what changes are happening with the Affordable Care Act (ACA)? Do you still need health insurance or face a penalty for being uninsured? How can you get health insurance before the next Open Enrollment?  Continue reading

Final Note: Todd Lybrand Hemmenway

Member. Cello
9/18/1949 – 11/27/2016

by Susan Cuscuna

Todd Lybrand Hemmenway, cellist, passed away after a brief battle with cancer, on November 27, 2016, in Black Mountain, North Carolina. He was raised in Northern Virginia and Cape Cod, studied the cello with Orlando Cole at the New School of Music in Philadelphia, and enjoyed his thirty year career in Los Angeles as a member of the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra, the Joffrey Ballet, and as a studio musician recording the scores of many films particularly with John Williams, Jerry Goldsmith, and Randy Newman.  He leaves behind his beloved son, Sam; wife, Susan; brother Scott and sisters Clare and Dana.


In Memoriam: May 2018

Allen D. Allen
Life Member. Composer
8/26/1936 – 3/23/2017
Survived by spouse & child

Bobb Bruce (Robert Berg)
Life Member. Violin
12/1/1925 – 2/28/2018
Survived by children

Leon Ndugu Chancler
Life Member. Drum Set
7/1/1951 – 2/3/2018
Survived by child

Robert A. Gotthoffer
Life Member. Trumpet
7/3/1922 – 1/17/2018
Survived by spouse & child

A. Clyde Hoggan
Life Member. Bass
4/4/1931 – 2/6/2018
Survived by child

Gelinda S. Quintile
Life Member. Harp
8/18/1951 – 2/6/2018
survived by parent & children

Erika Zador (Gould)
Life Member. Piano
8/10/1922 – 12/22/2017
Survived by spouse & child

May 2018 Overture Online: Why it Pays to be Union

Overture Online
May 2018

Spring Membership Drive
Why it pays to be union

May Day March
Join us on May 1 to commemorate International Workers’ Day

Grand Opening Celebration
Come party with us May 21 at our new Burbank headquarters!

Musicians Helping Musicians
Get to know about our assistance programs and advocacy funds

and more!

Download the FREE App:

PLEASE NOTE: If you had previously installed the “Overture Online” app on an Apple device, please update the app to version 3.0.0. Android users: install our new app, “Overture Online Mag,” available free from Google Play here.

Overture Online is optimized for reading via smartphone or tablet. For those without access to a smart device, this issue may be viewed on a web browser here. Local 47 members may download archived pdf versions from the members section at

AFM Local 47 reaches new agreement with New West Symphony

AFM Local 47 is pleased to have arrived at a fair agreement with the New West Symphony Association.

“We see our contract with the association as a partnership,” said AFM Local 47 President John Acosta. “Our musicians agree to give their greatest performance possible, bringing their artistry and talent to the concert stage, while management does their part to keep the organization healthy and running smoothly. While negotiations may sometimes be challenging, by working together we create the amazing product that is the music of the New West Symphony.”

Many united voices are more powerful than one. Sign up to learn more about getting involved with your union at


General Membership Meeting – April 25, 2018

Members: Please join us for our Spring Membership Meeting!

On the agenda (subject to change):
• Presentation of 50-Year Pins
• Election for Salary Review Board & Election Board
• Officer Reports
• Old and New Business

Hear an update from our Political Action Committee, get the latest info about our Grand Opening celebration, and learn about upcoming workshops & events.

Only 50 members are needed for a quorum. Please plan to attend!

Open to all members in good standing. Food & refreshments will be served.

Blue Shield Teledoc® – Skip the waiting room – Talk to a doctor now

Eligible participants who have enrolled in one of the Blue Shield plans offered by the Professional Musicians Local 47 and Employers’ Health & Welfare Fund now have access to the Teladoc® program.

Eligible Participants
Why wait for the care you need now? Teladoc® gives you 24/7/365 access to a doctor through the convenience of phone or video consults. You can feel better today and avoid the hassles of the hospital waiting room. Continue reading

Final Note: Bobby Bruce

Life Member. Violin
(1925 – 2018)

Bobby Bruce (Robert Morris Berg) was born in Chicago, Illinois. His father owned a fruit market and his mother Rosie was a comedian and entertainer, performing at several theaters in the Chicago area. Bobby began violin lessons at age 6, and by the age of 9 he would do acrobatics, tap dance, sing and play violin on stage in a Vaudeville act called the Personality Kids on the Keith Orpheum circuit with his mother and older sister Eileen. Continue reading