Author Archives: admin Announces Open Enrollment Period for First-Ever Artist-Controlled Database for Music Credits

promusicdb today announced the upcoming open enrollment period for its revolutionary new platform, which will preserve the legacies of music creators for the digital future. The first artist-controlled authority of music credits, will enable songwriters, musicians, producers and engineers to take control of their credits, identity, metadata and digital legacy. Enrollment begins on September 28 and will continue through the end of November.

“With the music industry hyper-focused on how to make a profit off music creators’ work in the age of technology, the responsibility of the industry in acknowledging the legacy of music creators and their work in its simplest form—giving credit—has been all but completely forgotten,” said Christy Crowl, Founder and CEO of “We need to build our own resource of professional music credits and metadata online, and that data should be reusable to conduct our business and preserve our collective legacy.” Continue reading

September 2016 Overture Online: ‘LOST’ Returns to Los Angeles

Overture Online
September 2016

‘LOST’ Returns to Los Angeles

Michael Giacchino to lead 44-piece Hollywood Studio Symphony Orchestra two nights at the Ford

Saturday Night Bath
Bringing good, clean fun to at-risk youth

Announcing the Irving R. Bush Memorial Scholarship
Open to all high school & college trumpet students – due Sept. 30

37th Annual Labor Solidarity Parade
Join the party on September 5th

and more!
The Overture Online app is available FREE @ Apple App Store & Google Play:

Overture Online is optimized for reading via smartphone or tablet. For those without access to a smart device, this issue may be viewed on a web browser (must have flash enabled). Local 47 members may download archived pdf versions from the members section at Continue reading

H&W: Have You Lost Coverage Under an Employer Provided Group Health Plan Other Than the Local 47 Health & Welfare Fund?

Professional Musicians, Local 47 and Employers’ Health & Welfare Fund:

Have You Lost Coverage Under an Employer Provided Group Health Plan Other Than the Local 47 Health & Welfare Fund?

H&WSpecial Enrollment Rights

Federal law – namely the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) — requires the Fund to permit individuals who declined health coverage under the plan, because they had other group health plan or health insurance coverage, to enroll in the plan through special enrollment upon any loss of eligibility for the other coverage or if employer contributions toward the other coverage cease. Continue reading

Announcing the Irving R. Bush Trumpet Scholarship

Irving Bush playing trumpet circa 1952 prior to his tenure with the L.A. Philharmonic.

Irving Bush playing trumpet circa 1952 prior to his tenure with the L.A. Philharmonic.

To All High School, College, and Trumpet Students:

Do you live in Los Angeles County, San Bernardino County, Riverside County?

What is your performance/playing background?

Are you currently a member of the Musicians Union Local 47? No! Well now’s your chance!

How would you like to join Local 47 for free? That’s right… FREE! Continue reading

OC Labor Federation Night at Angel Stadium 9/14

OC Labor Federation Flier with link

Our friends at the Angels invite AFM Local 47 members to join the Orange County Labor Federation for a fantastic union discount on Wednesday, September 14, 2016 at 7:05 p.m.

Lower level seats are available to union members for just $22, and every ticket includes a voucher for a free hot dog and small soda!

Find more information on the event & purchase tickets at

Meet the musicians of the Pasadena Symphony Orchestra

pso collage square

Meet the musicians of the Pasadena Symphony Orchestra!

The Pasadena Symphony Orchestra has been one of the top performing symphonic ensembles in southern California for 80 years.

With extensive credits in the film, television, recording and orchestral industry, the Pasadena Symphony Orchestra is comprised of some of the most gifted and sought after musicians in the world.

Musicians are currently in the midst of negotiations and are working hard to achieve a new and fair employment contract.

pso box

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Free eBook: 23 Ways Musicians Can Make Money

One of the biggest challenges facing musicians is generating income. Although sales of recorded music have dropped significantly, there are many new sources of income available to musicians.

Our friends at Bandzoogle have put together a free eBook called “23 Ways Musicians Can Make Money” to help musicians and bands find ways to generate more money for their careers. Continue reading